GRC empowers precise decisions through real data interrogation that influences production operations.
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iSiteCentral™ Real-time Solution

iSiteCentral™ service has been providing integrated data collection, reporting and alerting capabilities for a wide variety of sensor inputs, data loggers and applications since 1998. Today, the system manages data from over 130,000 sensors and can be scaled to support both small and large-scale infrastructure projects such as East Side Access and World Trade Center projects in New York City. iSiteCentral™ has been used to monitor Infrastructure projects consisting of a few sensors read infrequently to tunnel boring machines producing 1GB of data each day.

Analytical Interrogation Brings Data to Life

  • Power Demand – Designed to calculate and monitor the power demand of the pump/motor. This refers to the real power (kW) or the system’s power consumption.
  • Pump Performance – Designed to monitor actual pump performance, calculate the pump operating parameters’ efficiency and verify if the pump is running under the POR (Preferred Operating Range) or BEP (Best Efficiency Point).
  • Production Quality – Designed to monitor production health by informing you on the power required to deliver the desired production and by implication, the most power-efficient production regime. It can also help you manage peak power demand for groups of assets.
  • HSE – Reduced need for technicians/pumpers on site to gather data, less exposure to site conditions and driving which is a leading cause of incidents.
  • ESG – Efficient use of power to achieve production goals
    Data Consolidation – consolidate data from multiple sources, single platform, user friendly, artificial lift focused.
  • ALS Reliability – Keep your ESP protected and operating in the desired range. Svoid damage due to events such as gas locking, low flow, high temperature, vibration etc.
  • Resource Allocation and Planning – Efficient use of personnel, avoid record keeping and management, focus on prognosis and prescriptions driving actions.

Data Analytics

Experience premium performance with Plug-and-Play IoT communications, with a hybrid approach of AI, expert system and physics-based modeling.


Correlation of lift performance – live trend data and operational constraints – precisely identify issues.


Maximum gas production is achieved by allocating compressor injection gas across wells.

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